It took two days, 6,000 popsicle sticks and 120 rolls of tape to engage an entire school in an engineering challenge like no other. The first ever Allnorth STEM Challenge was a huge success in Chetwynd, BC, as our local office facilitated this event at Don Titus Elementary School with supplies, instructors, and esteemed judges. Student were given 50 popsicle sticks and a roll of tape to construct the ‘tallest tower possible’.
The rules were simple – only use materials provided, must be attached only at the base, and must be free standing. All levels from kindergarten to Grade 7 (ages 5-13) were involved in the build, with a member of the Allnorth team on hand to provide instruction, encouragement, and advice.
In the end, 120 fantastic towers were built, measured, and awarded certificates of completion, with the tallest tower representing each class at a grand finale assembly to determine the ‘school-wide champion’.
Allnorth’s Division Manager Zach Sheridan-Carr and Environmental Engineer Trudy Miller were the judges on June 23rd, awarding the ultimate prize to a Grade 6 student. Her tower was 191 cm tall!