In this time of reflection, we look back on the many ways in which our Allnorth team members contributed to their local communities throughout the year, through donations as well as volunteer work. A few of our efforts are highlighted in this article.

Our Calgary team combined our deeply ingrained corporate health & safety culture with donations to the Drop-In Centre (the DI). For more than 60 years, the DI has been an emergency shelter and essential care provider supporting adults experiencing homelessness with health services and housing support in the Calgary area. Allnorth Calgary made the pledge to donate $1 for every safety observation and discussion report form (A08) that got submitted through the company’s health and safety platform. Over $255 in donations were gathered throughout the year by practicing our company’s health and safety practices.
As well during 2021, five members of the Calgary team volunteered for the Community Facility Enhancement Program, completing the build of the Memory Lane Picnic Shelter, and designing the structure pro bono.
And in the continued spirit of kindness, the Calgary team pledged to the “Fill-A-Backpack” cause and provide a minimum of 12 backpacks of essentials and winter wear that can be given to low-income Calgarians, as they transition from shelter to home.
In addition to raising funds for Movember, The Kamloops office “adopted” two families for Christmas, each family consisting of single-mom households with three children each. Thanks to the wonderful contributions from the Kamloops team members, each child was able to receive four to five gifts, including the number one toy on their wish list. Each family also received gift cards for Superstore, Winners / HomeSense, and Tim Hortons.
The Allnorth Terrace & Kitimat divisions set up donation hampers in both offices for non-perishable food and items to benefit children and households in need.
A portion of these donations will support JFJV Kitimat JGC Fluor (JFJV)’s Christmas Toy & Food drive in Kitimat, and a portion will be donated to local charities in the local community.
Some of our Allnorth Nanaimo team members recently volunteered for the Salvation Army Kettle Shift, together with friends, family, newborns, and dogs! In addition, other team members served dinner at the Salvation Army New Hope Centre, feeling inspired to keep supporting these events.
As well, four large bags of donated warm winter clothing and footwear that had been collected since the middle of November were taken to the New Hope Centre, with more donations to follow for late December. The warm items were much appreciated by those in need, as one of the main warming centres in the area had to recently close its doors.
In our Prince George office, contributions were donated to three charities through a combined corporate donation and the Division’s social committee. The committee organized a variety of fundraiser events, including bottle recycling, March Madness board, Guess the Snow Depth, Valentine Candy Guessing Game, summertime Casual Fridays, and a winter parking spot raffle. Proceeds of $2,000 each went to the Canadian Cancer Society – Relay for Life, the ALS Society – Virtual Walk, and the Spirit of the North, supporting mental health.
As well, School District 57 (Prince George) received two bursaries for $250 each annually, and another two $250 bursaries were provided to UNBC engineering students. The team also donated $250 to the U15AA Bobcats Hockey Team, and a silent auction donated shirts to the U13 Nakusp Falcons. Additionally, for Earth Day Cleanup on April 22nd, the Prince George team cleaned 3 km of the main road leading to the office, collecting 47 bags full of trash filling two dumpsters.

As in past years, our Saskatoon team has generously donated again to the Ronald McDonald House, making it possible for the families of sick children in the hospital to stay close. Helping families stay together makes sick children get stronger. The team also collected donations of socks, toques, and mitts for those in need at City Hospital.
Our Vancouver team donated to the Red Cross, Mining for Miracles in support of the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, and to the local Food Bank in the past year. The Beedie Foundation is matching Vancouver Food Bank donations up to $250,000. Funds support the GVFB's Seniors' program and provide healthy and fresh food to those in need this holiday season and beyond.
The Kelowna office also donated to the local food bank, as they do every year.
The Grande Prairie office participated and donated as title sponsor to the 2021 Sporting Clay Shoot for Charity, organized by the Municipal District of Greenview No.16, attracting various outdoor sponsors to raise much-needed funds for five food banks servicing residents in Greenview.
The team also sponsored an ad in the SOS Safety Magazine, which enables families to start tough conversations with their kids and create a safe space to come together through education and understanding.
Allnorth’s St. John’s office has been supporting the Single Parent Association of Newfoundland (SPAN) for the past 13 years by sponsoring a single parent and purchasing the gifts required to make Christmas morning a little easier. We purchase gifts for the family, a small gift for the parent, and a grocery card to take care of Christmas dinner.
Donations, by our caring employees, have in the past provided single-parent families with much-needed items, fulfilling everything that they had on their wish list, ranging from groceries to toys, toiletries, etc. Since the start of the pandemic, our team has opted to participate in the Gift Card Campaign; this allows families to purchase Christmas dinners or toys for kids as they wish. So far this year, our team has collected over $500 in gift cards. Food insecurity in Newfoundland & Labrador continues to grow due to the economic turndown, the pandemic, and other social factors. In sponsoring SPAN, we hope to make a difference in the lives of a mom or dad and their children.
The St. John’s office also donated $500 to the Toy Drive of our client Vale, contributing to the gifts that will contribute to the Natuashish children’s Christmas excitement.
As well during the past year, members of our team have volunteered once more with the Daffodil Days campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society. In support of the Young Adults with Cancer in Canada (YACC), one of our team members, Clifton Hawco, grew his beard for nine months and then let his sons shave his beard; he was able to raise over $1,300, helping to fight the disease.
Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!